Menang Share-and-Win Contest @ The Mermaid 美人鱼
Alhamdulillah..Saya menang Celestial Movie Merchandises(which are Tote bag, umbrella, Selfie LED flashlights & erasable note pad) & RM50 Neway Cash Voucher dari Segmen Share-and-Win Contest @ The Mermaid 美人鱼. Segmen ini dianjurkan oleh blogger Ivy.

Winner announcement by Blogger Ivy

Already pick up my prizes at the In Deed Communications office. Neway is karaoke box. Bolehlah ajak Gediks family melalak bersama-sama dalam karaoke box ni. Voucher valid date until end of this year.
To blogger Ivy, thanks for selected as one of your Contest winner. Thanks also to Jessica for giving me all these prizes. I'm really excited receive this kind of gift. Bcoz all these merchandise is soo awesome. Hehe..
wah best nyaaaa tahniah sis